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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Off the Beaten Path

First thing I'm going to say here is, yes, I'm a bit of a hoarder. We decided to get some new patio furniture for my birthday, since what we had was looking a little tired! It's always fun to get new things, but then comes the decision of what to do with the old stuff. Not a real problem if I can pass it down to my kids or someone else I know, and I am getting much better at sending things to Goodwill but I still have a hard time making a decision on what to do with certain things. As I said the old patio furniture was looking tired but it is still in pretty good shape, it just needs to be re-stained and I also need to replace the cushions which I can buy at Pier 1, so we...  (okay, I  ...after much debate) decided to take it to the lake since the front porch of the cabin only has 2 children's chairs w/table on it. (Imagine my family rolling eyes and shaking their heads here, because I guarantee that is what they are doing if they are reading this), anyway this was our only reason for going to the lake this last weekend, so since there was nothing else planned I was finally able to explore the area with my camera in hand.

My dad was raised on a farm outside of Baird, Texas so there are several places around the area that I've wanted to photograph. We spent several summers at our cousins farm in Cross Plains and I actually found my way to their farm where my aunt and one of my cousins still live. Found the ghost town of Belle Plaine and even visited the cemetery there. I know I'm probably weird, but I love old cemeteries, I think it has something to do with my love of history.  I use to have to try to talk Sammie into stopping when we would come across them, but now he enjoys looking around at all the headstones with their dates and inscriptions, about as much as I do. Just down from the cemetery I found the ruins of the Belle Plains College, although it was fenced off and since I didn't want to trespass, the photos I got of it were from a distance. I would have liked to go to the farm where my dad was raised, but I had no idea how to get there and there wasn't really enough time anyway, so I guess I'll get directions from my dad and save that for another time! 

Photo of the sun from Abilene, Tx. We think the smoke must have come from the wildfire that was in Junction. Visibility was pretty poor in some areas of the Interstate


In Belle Plaine Cemetery.  "sweet be thy peace, thy sufferings are over"

"One less to love on earth, one more to meet in heaven"

"How desolate our home bereft of thee"

So old the only word I could make out on the tombstone was "died". Such a shame that some feel a need to destroy for no reason.
Ruins of the Dean's home at Belle Plains College

Another view of the Dean's home

Road in front of Dean's home.

View of the college ruins from the Dean's home.

I think he was looking for some food. He was quite friendly!

Pretty much in the middle of nowhere

The top portion of the Belle Plains College ruins.
Belle Plains College in it's day!

Zoomed in view of college ruins

This coyote was really high-tailing it away from me.

Rock is much bigger than it seems in the photo!

Thought about it, then thought about what the hubby would say if I took my Expedition in there, so this road stayed unexplored until another day.  Need to take Sammie's truck next time.

Not many bluebonnets this year because of the lack of rain, but the cactus flowers were really out!

Old barn on the way to the lakehouse.

Back at the lake! Yes I see you squirrel!

Cardinal was back. Bluejays were around this time too, but I never was able to get a photo of them.

First photo I've been able to get of this yellow warbler. I've tried many times but he is in almost constant movement!

Or hiding behind the leaves and branches!

Stopped by the cemetery in Baird and got a photo of my grandfathers head stone.  "Blessed be the name of the Lord". He sang that song to us kids all the time.

Sammie found this Confederate Soldiers grave.

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